Ian Meyer

Jan 27, 20216 min

Building a website isn't rocket science. But it does take a little time and creativity.

Updated: Mar 9, 2021

By Ian Meyer of Business Builders

You'll need some basic understanding of computers, you'll need a domain and a place to host it. But the images you see of people writing code is mostly a myth.

Yes, of course there are people using code.

When I started building websites in 1996, I was 12 year old, and I was using code. I taught myself how to code HTML by simply opening any particular pages script and hitting right click > "view source". I'd first try to decode it by scanning over it with my eyes and trying to match a line of code in the back end to what it looked like on the front end of the website. Slowly I started to learn what each code meant by breaking them down into little bits, then putting them back together however I saw fit.

I got a real kick out of it, it was a lot of fun for me. I ended up becoming addicted to it and would sometimes spend 12-14 hours a day at the computer. My most prized website was for a band called KoRn, maybe you've heard of them. I called it "The KoRn Klub". I had a whole collection of websites I had that served as fan pages for my favorite bands and sports. Back then, websites were much more simple, though. CSS and Javascript were barely even a thing yet. Flash had just come out. And programs like Adobe Dreamweaver weren't even invented.

But as time went on, I'm not sure what happened. Maybe it was that Javascript and CSS were getting more intertwined into HTML. Maybe it was that I had a huge crush on this girl and wanted to spend all night on the phone with her. Maybe it was that I discovered weed and liked getting high with my buddies. It wasn't that I saw building sites any less interesting, but rather I think to put it simply - I was 14, and got caught up in what teenagers do.

These days, you'll probably never need to use code.

Not only has building websites become far more advanced than coding basic HTML, it has become far easier. About 12 years ago I got back into building websites. At first I was using a program called Adobe Dreamweaver, which helps you simplify and organize the process. But this is still very involved in using code. And suddenly there wasn't just HTML, CSS, and Javascript. There was also HTML5 now, there was PHP, something called SSL. I quickly realized that building websites had become much more complex than it was when I abandoned it as a young teen.

I was 24 years old at this point. But I stuck it out and learned the ropes. I learned how to use Dreamweaver, how to upload my code via an FTP Server (FileZilla), that I needed to buy a domain from a domain provider and host it on a web host. I learned about DNS settings and MX records. It was a bit inconvenient at first but I sort of fell back into being addicted to building websites again.

At this point I was a bit of a serial entrepreneur, always trying out big ideas hoping for one to actually work. At one point, I had partnered with an old friend who had an entrepreneurial spirit like me to start a business that installed point of sale (POS) systems at restaurants and retail stores, which then catered to other business solutions such as Web Design, Social Media Marketing, and Graphic Design (logos, menus, etc.).

Then I ran into another entrepreneur. My cousin had a boyfriend who was running a really successful business, multiple businesses actually. Yet this guy had the time to make his own website? Yes. And when I learned that I was like... "how?!" . This was when I was first introduced to WIX. And when I was, I was completely blown away. It was one of those "Aha!" moments that made you wonder how this wasn't done sooner. My first WIX website was one for my parents Winery. Then I built one for a local organization that brought awareness to the businesses in a small but beautiful little town full of history in DownEast, Maine. Then one for my little side hustle / carpentry business.

Once I started using WIX, I have rarely used any code... And that is only because I wanted to do some custom work.

Outside of that, there is really no need for it. So when you are looking for someone to build your website and you see these images or videos of computer nerds at a computer with a screen full of code, don't stress. That's pretty much B.S. and most likely put there to intimidate you so you feel like you can't build a website and hire them.

And here's another myth I will bust for you, as someone who has used WIX for 10 years and watched them constantly evolve. You can do almost anything with WIX! With enough creativity and know how, it is totally possible. If you are familiar with their platform, have knowledge of coding, and a good understanding of web development - you would be shocked with what you can do.

WIX is all the every day business owner needs.

They have the standard WIX Editor, but also an advanced version of their editing platform called Editor X. And for those who want to go all in, they have Velo. Velo (previously Corvid) is an open development platform that accelerates the way you build web applications. Within Wix's visual builder, WIX Editor, you can add custom functionality and interactions using Velo's APIs. Using your own tools, you can enjoy serverless coding in both the front-end and backend. All in an open, extendable platform.

But guess what? Unless you are building the next website for your local government with an endless database, or the next Amazon.com - you can simply use the standard WIX Editor to build your website. Seriously. And that editing platform is awesome. I've been using it for a decade now and know it inside and out, but even in my early days of WIX it felt like I was playing a video game or something. The extensive ability to drag and drop really separates them from a platform like WordPress, Squarespace, or Weebly.

There seems to be an ongoing feud over who is the better, WordPress or WIX. I can argue all day about this. But at the end of the day I really breaks down to preference, and I like to put it as follows: WordPress is the Microsoft of Web Building Platforms while WIX is the Apple of Web Building Platforms.

WordPress is fine, but if you want to save time and frustration - use WIX.

In short, WordPress is compatible with a with almost all apps, has flexibility, but a very poor design on the back end that may "click" for some and seem easy for them, but is confusing for most. WIX, also compatible with many apps but has some exclusivity as well, has a very easy to understand platform that is so easy it reminds me of the iPad. Do you remember the first time you used an iPad or iPhone? How it was designed to be so easy to use you almost didn't need an instruction manual and could just get right to using it? That reminds me of the standard WIX Editor.

And this is my opinion, but I feel a lot of WordPress users like that it's confusing for the average person because again, it will intimidate you to the point you think you need to hire someone to build your site. Sorry! But that's my opinion and I am entitled to it.

The only thing I will say to you if you are going to build a WIX website is this. Don't think because you have a custom domain going to a web page with your logo on it that you've created a great website. I have seen this mistake for years and still do over and over almost every day. A business owner wants to do it themselves and in as little time as possible, not thinking about the user experience. This will result in a shitty website that is detrimental to your brand.

Great websites have a few key ingredients to them:

  • They look professional through and through (no pixelated photos!).

  • They have a beautiful design (try to shoot for that "WOW!" factor).

  • They have great content and load reasonably fast.

  • The navigation is strategic and points to a "call to action".

  • They have SEO implementation.

There's much more but those 5 bullet points I just listed is the foundation to a great website that is set up for success. Stay tuned in to future blogs as I begin to to share more. Thanks for reading! To learn more about Web Design, visit my "Business Builders" website at www.buildmybusiness.net to figure out what path is right for you in the World Wide Web.

Want to join the eCommerce trend? Create your online store and start selling today.

Article By: Ian Meyer - Entrepreneur and Creator of Business Builders Club

Ian has been infected entrepreneurial spirit since he was a child, from small time hustles like mowing the neighbors lawn to selling drugs as a teen. In his 30's he went on to run what would become the #1 Tour in Boston, MA. As a way to pivot during COVID19, he is working on multiple projects trying to make a path to the next chapter of his life.

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